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Skyshapers University

The SKYSHAPERS Foundation (dba SKYSHAPERS UNIVERSITY), established in 1988, is a 501(c)(3) public charity which provides educational scholarships, materials and services to children, parents, schools and other non-profit organizations.

In partnership with The Department of Health and Human Services, other government agencies, and corporate sponsors, The SKYSHAPERS Foundation developed and executed one of the largest
outreach programs ever conducted by the Public Health Service in American schools.

This unprecedented public/private partnership introduced SKYSHAPERS Programs into more than 10,000 public and private elementary schools
across America. SKYSHAPERS UNIVERSITY presents
a unique opportunity for education, business,

government, and the community to come together for a common goal: to give all children the enduring gift of motivation and the tools to succeed at school and in the years ahead.

As the former U.S. Surgeon General commented after experiencing SKYSHAPERS firsthand:

“I have had the opportunity to observe
many things that really want to ensure that the children do well. But I have never been involved with anything like SKYSHAPERS. SKYSHAPERS is the best!”

An approved vendor of the NYC Department of Education, SKYSHAPERS UNIVERSITY is spearheading The Quest For Excellence™ initiative.